International Credit Union (ICU) Day celebrates the spirit of the global credit union movement. The day is recognized to reflect upon the credit union movement's history, promote its achievements, recognize hard work and share member experiences.
Are you interested in winning a gift card to Stacked, a Montana Grill and 2 free tickets to the Babcock Theatre? If so, check out our Facebook post to learn how and share your story of why you enjoy doing business with Valley Credit Union.
We appreciate you being a valued member of Valley! We surprised some members coming into our lobbies today with gift cards to local coffee shops. Our 2022 calendars are also available to be picked up at our branches to celebrate ICU Day!
Double Points!!
It is not too late to take advantage of our DOUBLE POINTS* offer on our Rewards Credit Card that is good through the end of the year. Points can be used for cash back, event and airline tickets, big ticket purchases and so much more!
Also, for new cardholders if you spend $1,500 in the first 90 days and you'll earn 1,000 BONUS POINTS!
No Annual Fee
No max amount of REWARDS points can be earned in one year
All Valley Credit Union locations will be closed on Thursday, November 11th. We will re-open with normal business hours on Friday, November 12th. Remember, you can access your account anytime, anywhere via our mobile app. Have a safe and happy Holiday!
Cryptocurrency and Scams
Are you confused about cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin and Ethereum? You're not alone! Before you use or invest in cryptocurrency, know what makes it different from cash and other payment methods, and how to spot cryptocurrency scams or detect cryptocurrency accounts that may be compromised.
Scammers are always finding new ways to steal your money using cryptocurrency. One sure sign of a scam is anyone who says you must pay by cryptocurrency. In fact, anyone who tells you to pay by wire transfer, gift card, or cryptocurrency is a scammer. Of course, if you pay, there's almost no way to get that money back. Which is what the scammers are counting on.
Click here to read the entire FTC article on this scam.